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Butler District 53 PTO Carnival Sponsorship

The Butler District 53 PTO Carnival is the BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the year and we need YOU!

Please consider signing up below to sponosor one of our Carnival themed activities for our event.

Signup closes on January 3, 2025.

On behalf of all of Butler District 53 PTO families, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous contributions towards the most precious members of our community – the kids!

NOTE – All sponsorships will be proudly displayed at the event!

Checks can be made to Butler District 53 PTO and mailed to Butler District 53 PTO, 60 Regent Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523 or arrangements can be made to pick it up.

Questions? Please email

Please follow this link to signup!

Brook Forest After School Clubs

Don’t miss the Brook Forest Elementary clubs:

Improv at Brook Forest Mondays, 8 classes: 11/18/2024-1/27/2025
Chess Club at Brook Forest Wednesdays, 9 classes: 9/25/2024-11/20/2024
Draw and Paint for Life at Brook Forest Wednesdays, 12 classes: 9/18/2024 – 12/11/2024
Spanish Club at Brook Forest Mondays, Session 1: 9/23/2024 – 1/27/2025
Session 2: 2/3/2025 – 5/12/2025
Elementary Golf School at Brook Forest Mondays, 8 classes: 9/23/2024 – 11/25/2024
No Class: 10/14, 11/15

Forgot to pay PTO membership dues?

If you missed paying dues ($35 per family) during school registration, please join and register your family for PTO today!

Membership gives you access to volunteer opportunities and the online school directory.

Email us!

Parent Survey

Please fill out our Parent Survey. This is anonymous and is important for us to help support our students and families. Please click here.

Make A Difference Award winners

The Butler D53 PTO’s Spring 2024 Make A Difference Award winners, given to D53 teachers and staff who have gone above and beyond to enrich the lives of our students! We thank the D53 families and students for the many nominations that we received. We are excited to continue in the 2024-25 school year!

Our honorees for Spring 2024:

Brook Forest:
Mr. Andrew Griffith
Mrs. Danielle LaBarre
Mr. Jim Locigno
Mr. Adam Nicholson

Butler Junior High:
Ms. Ashley McCann
Mrs. Jill Vonnahme

Become a PTO Sponsor and Learn Why

Our goal in providing enrichment opportunities for our students cannot happen without our community and parent support. We are very thankful that the PTO is able to provide support in the school’s safety programs, drug awareness, educational field trips, technological upgrades, school student assemblies, graduations, and more.

Please visit our Sponsorship link for more information. For our Platinum and Diamond Sponsors, become the next Sponsor Spotlight.

We thank you in advance for your generosity and enthusiasm in helping our schools.

Become a PTO Member

PTO membership gives you direct information on upcoming events and programs, gain access to the school student directory (Directory Spot), and be eligible to volunteer for school and PTO-led events throughout the year. The PTO membership does NOT mean you must volunteer or serve as a board member.

Please click here for PTO Members Directory Spot sign on information

How to pay for membership?

If you missed the option to pay for the PTO membership dues during school registration you may…

  • Send payment via Zelle to Include in memo First and Last Name, Child’s Name and grade level. You you don’t receive confirmation via email, please notify PTO via
  • Make payment by check payable to “Butler District 53 PTO” and drop off at Brook Forest Elementary in an envelope with attention to “PTO”. Include in memo: PTO membership dues with family name

PTO DUES: $35 annual fee

Optional donations:

  • Drama Booster Club $20
  • Music Booster Club $20
  • Sport Booster Club $20

The PTO is committed to encouraging 100% participation of all families, teachers, and community members to enhance community fellowship.

Box Tops: Remember those Box Tops you use to collect?

Fundraise for the Butler D53 PTO as part of your weekly grocery shopping.
BoxTops PTO flyer