PTO Board Vacancies for 21-22 School Year

Hello Butler 53 Families!

We wanted to share that we will have some PTO board vacancies for the coming school year that we would like to work towards filling. If you have an interest in giving of your time and talent to our school community in this way, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Any of our current team members would be happy to discuss them with you.

Available positions:

(see this document for a brief description of these roles)

President (outgoing Chris Koutsky)
VP of Brook Forest (outgoing Deepa Jain and Kathy Schooley)
Communications Secretary (outgoing Matt Kelley)
Recording Secretary (outgoing Kavitha Neerukonda)
Lead Treasurer (outgoing Katie Donnelly)

Please know that outgoing board members will always be available for support to anyone that chooses to take on one of these roles. Ideally, a 2 year commitment is asked but is not required. New board members will assume their role on June 30th.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration of this.


Chris Koutsky
Butler 53 PTO President